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Wednesday 3 September 2014

Ashya King and Patient Choice

It is likely that this story will soon diminish and dwindle into obscurity, and most people will consider that there has been a 'happy' ending, with the family re-united, and Ashya getting the treatment his parents wanted for him.

Yet to consider the story in this way is to ignore the bigger implications of what has been allowed to happen. The trials of Ashya's family have been about Health Freedom and Patient Choice.

What did his parents do to get themselves arrested and imprisoned? What did they do to deserve having their son made a Ward of Court by the English judicial system?

Quite simple, they ignored medical advice! Note well that word - advice: A ‘recommendation about action’, ‘somebody’s opinion about what another person should do’ - then consider the consequences for anyone who does not conform to conventional medical advice!
  • The Police and the Crown Prosecution Service acted upon this advice, without question, and without reservation.
  • The local authority act upon this advice, without question, and without reservation.
  • And our courts of law acted upon this advice, without question, and without reservation.
So the result for Ashya’s parents not following medical ‘advice’ was to end up in prison, their very sick young child denied access to his family, and legal control of Ashya taken away from them, and given to the state.

So what was the quality of this ‘advice'? 

It transpires that the parents did not place their child in danger. They were unhappy about the treatment the medical 'experts' were giving him. They identified another form of treatment that had been denied to him. And they were told this treatment would not be beneficial for their son.

In other words, they questioned the medical 'expertise' of the medical experts, and had been denied their patient choice. This was a denial of health freedom/

And, true to form, our mainstream media presented the story exactly as the conventional medical establishment presented it to them. The only questions they bothered to ask was directed to other ‘experts’ within the conventional medical establishment'.

A nice cosy story for the media to run with, then? 

Well, not for long. Soon the enormity of the actions initiated by the medical authorities began to quickly unravel. Soon we were told that there as no evidence to support the European Arrest Warrant. So after several days the parents were released. The police and prosecution services have said that they would 'review' the quality of the evidence given to them by the medical authorities (although I suspect we are unlikely to hear any more about this). And the 'alternative' treatment asked for by the family is now to be provided for the family, at a reduced rates, with public offers of funding the treatment became available.

Public sympathy was quick to develop in this case, regardless of the attitude of the conventional medical system, the police, the Crown Prosecution Service, and the mainstream media.

The 'Medical Mafia', as more and more people are describing the conventional medical establishment, had overstepped the mark. They had miscalculated. So much so, the rest the the Establishment could not save them - although no doubt they will seek to reduce the impact of their gross error of judgement in future weeks.

The fact is that the conventional medical establishment wants to develop a complete and total monopoly of health provision within the NHS. And they are almost there! Go to any GP surgery, or any NHS hospital, and you will be offered one type of treatment, usually based on pharmaceutical drugs that are known to be largely ineffective, and usually harmful to our health. The NHS is not set up now to do anything else. Anyone who asks for something different to what is offered faces opposition from an NHS bureaucracy largely opposed the concept of patient choice.

Am I exaggerating to situation? 
  • If you think so, go to see your GP, and ask him/her for a non-conventional medical treatment! I did this several years ago and had an 11 month battle with the GP surgery, the then local PCT, and went through the entire complaints system before I was given the homeopathic treatment I asked for. 
  • Listen to the voices of those so convinced of the benefits of vaccines (and so closed to any suggestion that they may cause harm), and be aware that they want to stop non-vaccinated children attending pre-school and nursery provision.
  • Anyone over 50, or considered at risk of heart disease, are now supposed to be taking Statin drugs, regardless of their wishes or reservations, regardless of whether they are told about the serious harm this drug can cause.
  • The NHS is seeking to close the few Homeopathic Hospitals in this country.
  • And if you have a dog, try getting it into a kennel without proof of vaccination!
That is what caused the problems for Ashya's parents. They had the audacity to question medical orthodoxy. They dared to suggest that the treatment treatment their son was receiving was dangerous. They did not like what they were being offered. They asked for another form of treatment, and were even willing to pay for it themselves, but they were denied.

Patient Choice and Health Freedom is not alive within the NHS.

So this situation can and will happen again, unless and until we begin challenge the arrogance of the conventional medical profession, and the monopolistic ambitions of the pharmaceutical drug companies. We can be certain that they will continue to insist that we all take their dangerous drugs and vaccines. 

So whilst I am happy that things now seem to be working out for the King family, the real issues of Patient Choice and Health Freedom, central to this situation, are being ignored, and so the lessons are not being learnt.

Post Script (March 2015)
Today, 24th March 2015, the media has announced that Ashya is now free of cancer. So the family were put through this ordeal for not good reason, other than the arrogance of the conventional medical establishment, who always seem to think they know what is best for us!

Well done, the King family. A tremendous victory for Health Freedom.